Special Request! Join OMF’s Hope Builders Community

Today we would like to introduce you to April Thompson, a valued member of OMF’s Hope Builders community. Hope Builders are OMF’s monthly donors.  April is also an artist, entrepreneur, and person living with ME/CFS. Her story inspires us, and we are honored to share it with you.


My name is April Thompson, and I am a proud OMF Hope Builder.

I’m also the founder of the Chronic Market, a platform for artists and artisans disabled by the condition ME/CFS. Through this platform, artists can sell their work, share their stories, create awareness about ME/CFS, and raise funds for research and advocacy.

I got sick as a peak athlete.

I developed ME/CFS 14 years ago when I was in peak physical health. I was a multi-sport athlete who ran marathons, boxed competitively and climbed mountains all over the world. I picked up a virus while I was traveling in Europe. The virus lingered, leaving me so weak I couldn’t make it around the block. Just days earlier, I’d been able to run miles on end.


Before MECFS, April climbed mountains all over the worldThe severity of my ME/CFS has fluctuated over the years, but I never fully regained my full functioning.

My birthday is now approaching. I am reaching the point where I have spent more years of my life being sick than being well.


I’ve had to change my whole life because of ME/CFS. I channeled my passions into more sedentary hobbies and interests, but you never stop mourning the loss of simple pleasures. I miss long walks and dancing with abandon.

If I were well tomorrow, the first thing I’d do is sprint down my block without fear of a crash and terrible symptoms.


Why did I become a Hope Builder?

OMF is a priority for my philanthropic dollars, as they are a leader in ME/CFS research. I’m proud to be a monthly donor and know that the community of artists with ME/CFS I’ve developed with the Chronic Market also feels the same.

OMF gives me hope for treatments in my lifetime. That’s why I am calling on the OMF community to join me in becoming a Hope Builder.



Your support can help bring us one step closer to finding effective treatments and a cure for ME/CFS, Long COVID and related multi-system chronic complex diseases.

Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to millions of people living with these debilitating conditions.


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

What are the advantages of giving from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)?

  • Your gifts to your donor advised fund entitle you to an immediate income tax deduction at the time of contribution.
  • You avoid capital gains tax on appreciated assets you place in your donor advised fund.
  • Your fund’s investment gains accumulate tax free.
  • Funds are distributed to Open Medicine Foundation in your name and immediately put to use to support our worldwide research efforts.

How do I make a donation through my DAF?

Just click on the DAF widget below. It is simple and convenient to find your fund among the over 900 funds in our system.

Still can’t find your fund? 

  • Request a grant distribution through your Donor Advised Fund sponsor
  • Be sure to use OMF’s EIN #26-4712664
  • You can also designate OMF as a beneficiary for your Donor Advised Fund
  • Questions? Give us a call at 650-242-8669